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No. 1000 Research Institute Company One Curegen Co., Ltd. Signs 34 Bil…

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Name admin Views 2,687 Datetime 23-06-09 15:56

2023. Jun. 05

This is the news of the signing of a 34 billion technology transfer contract between OneCuregen Co., Ltd. and Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-Yonsei Medical Center, where SYP Co., Ltd. has discovered demand, mediated technology, and invested. 

Daedeok Special Zone Research Institute Company One Curegen, KRIBB-Yonsei Medical Center, signed a 34 billion technology transfer contract 

The R&D Special Zone Promotion Foundation and the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology(KRIBB) announced on the 5th that One Curegen Co., Ltd., the 1000th research institute, has signed a technology transfer contract worth 34 billion won with Yonsei University Medical Center. OneCureGen is a research institute established in September 2020 by Saengmyeong Research Institute and KOSDAQ-listed company ICure Co., Ltd. as a joint venture.

OneCureGen was certified as the "1000th Research Institute Company" by the Ministry of Science and ICT in 2020 based on Saengmyeong Research Institute's anti-cancer peptide development technology and ICure BNP's drug delivery technology and management know-how. The KRIBB has decided to transfer patents for "composition for treating gastric cancer containing SYT11 inhibitors as active ingredients" and "prognostic markers for underdeveloped gastric cancer" on the condition of a total of 34 billion won in semen technology fees and "2% of sales."

In November last year, the research team of Dr. Won Mi-sun and Dr. Kim Bo-kyung, a research team led by Professor Jung Jae-ho of Yonsei University Medical School, newly identified mechanisms that can be used to diagnose and treat abnormal gastric cancer in the SYT11 (Synaptogamin-11) gene. The research team also confirmed that SYT11 inhibitors found in mouse animal model experiments are applicable to brain tumors and ovarian cancers with characteristics of stem cancer as well as diffuse gastric cancer. This is expected to facilitate the development of SYT11-based anticancer drugs, diagnosis, prognosis prediction, and treatment strategies for patients with diffuse gastric cancer who have received the anticancer drug.

Along with KRIBB and Yonsei University Medical Center, One Curegen will try to develop customized treatments for stem intractable cancer by transferring inhibitors and diagnostic marker technologies for less-than-life gastric cancer treatment targets. The Special Zone Foundation will continue to strengthen public technology discovery and corporate-linked channels and establish an open innovation system to foster excellent high-tech bio companies such as One Curegen.

"To mark the 50th anniversary of the Daedeok Special Zone in 2023, I think it is meaningful to establish a continuous support system for research companies and link excellent specialized technologies to companies," said Kang Byung-sam, chairman of the Special Zone Foundation. 

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